Hello, my name is Angela Xie, and I am extremely honored to speak on behalf of SMART and The San Francisco Friends School, two communities that have been such an integral part of my life.
I began my journey at Jean Parker Elementary School, a community filled with students who, like me, are Chinese American. The teachers were great, I excelled in school, and both my parents and I had lots of friends who were able to communicate in our native language. Imagine my surprise when my parents suddenly decided I will be transferring to San Francisco Friends School! At such a young age, I did not understand why my parents would pull me from a school where all my friends were and enter me into a brand new environment where I didn't know anyone. I was angry and I was sad.
Reluctantly, I walked through these doors my first day determined to prove to my parents they made a terrible mistake. I was pleasantly surprised when the teacher walked up and handed me a laptop, explaining that we could use them for class. There were Smart boards, new textbooks and an incredible library. Most significantly, I was no longer expected to memorize facts only to forget them a short while later. I learned formulas because I learned why they work. Creativity, technology, even student participation were all expected aspects of the Friends school curriculum. While my success in a public school relied on being good at taking notes and memorizing, at Friends I became more engaged and wanted to work even harder.
I learned to love learning.
In the midst of all these opportunities, I faced some hardships and challenges vastly different from what I expected on my first day at Friends. I translated often for my parents who were unable to communicate to my teachers. I quickly noticed how my peers around me were more affluent and unlike Jean Parker, at that time, I was the only Chinese speaking student. These differences I noticed could have easily put a damper on this new exciting opportunity, but it didn't - because of SMART.
At SMART I quickly made new friends who also felt that their transition into private school was difficult. I received a tutor, who to this day is one of my closest friends. Most importantly, SMART helped me see that Friends school is actually a community that embraces and celebrates differences. I learned that being different is a gift and SMART has helped me find my pride in being Asian and tri-lingual.
Through the incredible education I received at Friends and the support my family and I received at SMART, I am proud and extremely excited to enroll in my first choice high school - The Bay School of San Francisco. While I am sad to say goodbye to Friends this year, I feel I can continue to get what I love most about Friends at Bay, which are strong academics combined with a close community of students and teachers. I attribute my success to Friends, who set the framework, and SMART will still be here with me as I begin my high school journey.
I’ve already made a decision on what college I want to go to. In four years, I hope to see myself at Stanford University because they have a strong science program. I have a dream to give back and help others by advancing medicine.
Thank you Friends and thank you SMART for shaping and influencing who I am today, and for all of your time tonight in supporting these incredible communities.
I began my journey at Jean Parker Elementary School, a community filled with students who, like me, are Chinese American. The teachers were great, I excelled in school, and both my parents and I had lots of friends who were able to communicate in our native language. Imagine my surprise when my parents suddenly decided I will be transferring to San Francisco Friends School! At such a young age, I did not understand why my parents would pull me from a school where all my friends were and enter me into a brand new environment where I didn't know anyone. I was angry and I was sad.
Reluctantly, I walked through these doors my first day determined to prove to my parents they made a terrible mistake. I was pleasantly surprised when the teacher walked up and handed me a laptop, explaining that we could use them for class. There were Smart boards, new textbooks and an incredible library. Most significantly, I was no longer expected to memorize facts only to forget them a short while later. I learned formulas because I learned why they work. Creativity, technology, even student participation were all expected aspects of the Friends school curriculum. While my success in a public school relied on being good at taking notes and memorizing, at Friends I became more engaged and wanted to work even harder.
I learned to love learning.
In the midst of all these opportunities, I faced some hardships and challenges vastly different from what I expected on my first day at Friends. I translated often for my parents who were unable to communicate to my teachers. I quickly noticed how my peers around me were more affluent and unlike Jean Parker, at that time, I was the only Chinese speaking student. These differences I noticed could have easily put a damper on this new exciting opportunity, but it didn't - because of SMART.
At SMART I quickly made new friends who also felt that their transition into private school was difficult. I received a tutor, who to this day is one of my closest friends. Most importantly, SMART helped me see that Friends school is actually a community that embraces and celebrates differences. I learned that being different is a gift and SMART has helped me find my pride in being Asian and tri-lingual.
Through the incredible education I received at Friends and the support my family and I received at SMART, I am proud and extremely excited to enroll in my first choice high school - The Bay School of San Francisco. While I am sad to say goodbye to Friends this year, I feel I can continue to get what I love most about Friends at Bay, which are strong academics combined with a close community of students and teachers. I attribute my success to Friends, who set the framework, and SMART will still be here with me as I begin my high school journey.
I’ve already made a decision on what college I want to go to. In four years, I hope to see myself at Stanford University because they have a strong science program. I have a dream to give back and help others by advancing medicine.
Thank you Friends and thank you SMART for shaping and influencing who I am today, and for all of your time tonight in supporting these incredible communities.
خدمات متميزه من صيانة كاريير يمكنك الايتعانه بها للحصول علي خدمات الصيانة الفورية علي ايجي متخصصين من توكيل كاريير اكبر التوكيلات العالمية في صيانة الاجهزه الكهربائية واعتمادها ضد العطل مره اخري يمكنك طب رقم صيانة كاريير للتعرف علي المزيد
الان تمتعوا بافضل خدمات من مراكز صيانة كلفينيتور الكبري اي انهم يعملون علي توفير الكثير من خدمات الكبري في صيانة تكنوجاز الاجهزة الكهربئاية باعلي جودة ممكنة لذلك يمكنكم الاعتماد علي مراكز صيانة هايسنس الكبري
تمتع الان معنا على تقدم افضل فريق من المتخصصون التى نقدمة الان فى قال وقت ممكن من خدمة عملاء سامسونج التى تعمل على تقدم افضل المميزات والخصومات العالمية التى لا مثيل لها الان فى قال وقت ممكن وباقل التكاليف المختلفة التى تعمل على تقدم افضل خدمة عملاء كاريير وباقل الاسعار المتلفة من خدمة عملاء ال جي التى نقدمة الان
الان و باقل الاسعار و افضل الخصومات توكيل امريكول تستطيع الان الحصول علي افضل الصيانات توكيل سيمنس من خلال افضل لمهندسين و الخبراء في اعمال الفك و التركيب توكيل يونيفرسال باعلي مستوي الان من الادقان و الكفائه تواصلو معنا الان من خلال موقعنا توكيل يونيفرسال او من خلال خدمة العملاء الخاصه بنا الان و احصل الان علي افضل الصيانات
خصومات الانم وباقل الاسعار التى نقدمة الان فى جميع المحافظات وباقل التكاليف التى نقدمة الان فى اقل وقت ممكن وباقل الاسعار الرائعة الان من صيانة كارييرلاننا نعمل على تقدم افضل الخدمات المختلفة الان فى اقل وقت ممكن من افلض صيانة كلفينيتور التى نقدمة الان فى مصر والوطن العربي حيث اننا نعمل على تقدم افضل قطع الغيار التى تقدمة الشركة الان من صيانة شارب الان وباقل الاسعار المختلفة التى نقدمة الان
لمن يبحث عن الجودة العالية فان صيانة يونيون اير تمكنت من توفير افضل الخدمات باقل الاسعار لذا ايضا نعمل في صيانة جليم جاز علي اتاحة اسلوب مضمون في انهاء اي مشكلة في اي جهاز كما ان صيانة اريستون تتبع احدث الطرق لصيانة شاملة
تواصل مع خدمة عملاء وايت ويل لتجد اكبر دعم فني كذلك الحال من خلال خدمة عملاء هايسنس التي تسعي الي تلبية رغبات العميل بأن يجد السعر المناسب و لهذا قدمنا خدمة عملاء توشيبا و ايضا خدمة عملاء وايت بوينت الافضل لاساليب الصيانة
الان و باقل الاسعار و افضل الخصومات توكيل امريكول تستطيع الان الحصول علي افضل الصيانات توكيل سيمنس من خلال افضل لمهندسين و الخبراء في اعمال الفك و التركيب توكيل سيمنس باعلي مستوي الان من الادقان و الكفائه تواصلو معنا الان من خلال موقعنا توكيل يونيفرسال او من خلال خدمة العملاء الخاصه بنا الان و احصل الان علي افضل الصيانات
احصل الان من خلال موقعنا الان علي افضل الصيانات المتاميزه صيانة بيكو الان و علي اعلي مستوي الان من خلال افضل كفائه صيانة جليم جاز و اكبر درجة تميز من صيانة جولدي خلال التصليح تواصلو معناصيانة جنرال اليكتريك الان عبر موقعنا الان و استمتع بافضل صيانات الان
مركز صيانه بلاك اند دكر
مركز صيانه بينك
مركز صيانه اية تى اية
مركز صيانه امريكول
مركز صيانه الاسكا
مركز صيانه اكون
مركز صيانه اكاى
مركز صيانه اية جي اية
مركز صيانه ادميرال
صيانة خطوط الشاشات
مركز صيانه ايديال
مركز صيانه ايبرنا
مركز صيانه هيونداى
مركز صيانه هيوماكس
مركز صيانه هوت بوينت
مركز صيانه هوفر
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مركز صيانه كينمور
مركز صيانه كلفنيتور
مركز صيانه جونكر
مركز صيانه جاك
مركز صيانه انديست
مركز صيانه شارب
مركز صيانه سيمنس
مركز صيانه توشيبا
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مركز صيانه وايت بوينت
مركز صيانه وايت ويل
مركز صيانه زانوسي
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