Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What I loved about the SMART Summer Program...

We wrapped up an amazing 6-week summer program, and we couldn't be more proud of our hard-working rising 5th and 6th grade students.

Here are some highlights from the summer, in the students' own words.

"Summer was very fun! If it wasn't for SMART, I don't know how I would get these amazing chances."

"SMART gave me a chance to be noticed."

"I loved learning about snakes and lizards at the Academy of Sciences."

"Can we have more math games next year?"

"I liked helping other kids understand things they don't understand."

"I know I have made tons of BFFS and friends this summer."

"I loved 'give me five' because I will use it thorughout my entire life."

"I loved math and learning new things about math!"

"The summer program will help me on my way to college and got me ready for 6th grade."

"The newspaper elective was great because I've never done a whole page by myself before."

"My teachers were great because they taught a lot of things to us."

"I would like the field trips to go places that are barely known, like the Federal Reserve Bank."

"The most memorable activity was making the murals because I like art and being creative."

"Doing essays was a lot of work, but I'm glad that I learned how to write better."

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